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About Us

Read about our History, Executive, Bylaws and Policies

Our History

Year 2000

College Pension Plan partners set up a task group to explore the possibility of establishing a retirees' association similar to those associated with the other (and more mature) public sector pension plans in BC. They determine the College Pension Plan did not have the numbers at that juncture to form its own viable

Year 2001

The BCRTA is approached about the possibility of incorporating College Pension Plan members into its association. The BCRTA changes its bylaws to allow for the establishing of RTA Branch 95 for members of the College Pension Plan to join it as Affiliate Members. Both the RTA Provincial Leadership and the Executive of Branch 95 envision this temporary arrangement will work until College Plan Members have sufficient numbers to form an independent organization.

Year 2012

Branch 95 members begin to feel their numbers are sufficient to begin discussion with the RTA about moving towards independence.

Year 2013-14

Amicable discussions begin with RTA, particularly with their membership committee who make recommendations to the RTA Board, on the growth and evolution of Branch 95 of the RTA- Post Secondary Educators. Members of Branch 95 feel that since they belong to a different pension plan and have a different optional benefit package through Blue Cross, the RTA is not able to represent their interests fully.

April 2014

Branch 95 President and Treasurer meet with VP RTA and discuss possible scenarios for change. Branch 95 invites all post-secondary members of the RTA to attend their AGM to discuss the future.

May 2014

Members in attendance at Branch 95's AGM vote unanimously to form their own association, and the executive is directed to begin the process of registration under the society act. May-Aug The Secretary begins the process of registering the new organization.

June 2014

Branch 95 President and Secretary meet with the RTA Membership Committee and VP to report on decisions taken at the branch AGM. VP RTA shares a draft Bylaw amendment to the RTA constitution that will write post-secondary members out of the RTA. It is agreed that if the bylaw change is accepted by the RTA AGM in September, then the RTA will forward to the new organization the dues collected from September pension cheques prior to the AGM and a current list of all post-secondary members.

July 2014

Branch 95 sends its newsletter Prime Time to all post-secondary members of the RTA updating them on the negotiations and plans for independence. August The Association of British Columbia College Pension Plan Retirees 2014 receives registration under the Society Act.

Our Photos

We are just beginning to populate our photo gallery below. Please check back as we add more images in the coming weeks.

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CPPR Executive

  • President: George Davison CNC
  • Vice-Pres: Danny Bradford  Selkirk
  • Secretary: Ian McAskill UFV
  • Treasurer: John Wilson Capilano
  • Past-Pres: Mary L. Griffin Kwantlen

CPPR Directors

  • Dennis Anderson Selkirk/C2T2
  • Adrienne Chan UFV
  • Gordon Farrell BCIT
  • Gordon Lee Kwantlen
  • Paul Ramsey CNC
  • Kate Ross Camosun
  • Ken Shaw Coast Mountain
  • Carole Whitmer CNC

Constitution & Bylaws

Our Constitution and Bylaws are downloadable in full in PDF format.

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Privacy Policy (Full)

Association of British Columbia College Pension Plan Retirees (CPPR) Privacy Policy.

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Meeting Expenses Policy

This is a two page pdf file containing an expenses form and the CPPR policy on meeting expenses.

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General Expenses Policy

This is a two page pdf file containing an expenses form and the CPPR policy on expenses

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Where We Used to Work

Explore our former institutions in the downloadable document below.

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